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Subsystem of the economic diagnostics of the financial condition in system of financial management of the enterpris

Journal: Marketing and Management of Innovations (Vol.2, No. 4)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 222-228

Keywords : financial management; diagnostics of financial condition of enterprise; liquidity; solvency; financial stability; business activity; profitability;

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Given article is dedicated to flexible forms of the regulation to activity enterprise, capable to change their own methods of the influence and instruments of management depending on speakers external and internal ambience. Studied and lit main approaches to estimation of the financial condition of the enterprise, process of the diagnostics. The Offered subsystem of the economic diagnostics of the financial condition of the enterprise is called provide information support of financial management on base clear and debugged operation information flow between subsystem and function of financial management.

Last modified: 2013-04-19 04:20:38