Application of Online Intelligent Remote Condition Monitoring Management in Thermal Power Plant Maintenance: Study of ThermPower Plant in Zimbabwe
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.2, No. 1)Publication Date: 2013-01-05
Authors : IgnatioMadanhire; Kumbi Mugwindiri; Leanmark Mayahle;
Page : 12-25
Keywords : thermal; power plant; intelligent; condition monitoring; maintenance;
This research study investigated the application of Online Remote Condition monitoring system at a thermal power plant. Analysis was done on the current maintenance strategy at the plant and attributes of the maintenance system. The study helps to show how Online Remote Condition Monitoring helps to improve the maintenance system at the plant from mainly Predetermined and Corrective approach to Predictive Maintenance and, the resultant benefits of its adoption. The findings clearly indicate the various aspects of Online Remote condition monitoring system which thermal power plants can consider to improve on plant safety, reliability and availability to achieve world class power generation practices. The study can be a useful resource to thermal plant engineers and related practitioners on various thermal power generation aspects.
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Last modified: 2021-06-30 20:10:51