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Contribution of Non Verbal Language in Communication: A Study of Non-Verbal Communication

Journal: Asian Journal of Advanced Basic Sciences (Vol.2, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 15-21

Keywords : Emotional Clusters; Types of body language; Haptics; Paralinguistic Features and Proxemics / Space Distance etc.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Communication is a dynamic process with the interchanging components of sending and receiving information, ideas, emotions and the working of mind. Ever since the emergence of human race, we have always been engaged in various forms of communication, knowingly or unknowingly. There are two different kinds of communication, verbal and non-verbal. Non-verbal communication was very much used at the time when humans had not started conversing with each other. In the era of caveman just using nonverbal communication could help you to understand the other person, but in the complex society of today both verbal and non-verbal forms of communication are needed to fully understand each other. We are taught from a very young age the use and implication of both nonverbal and verbal communication. It is a well illustrated fact that nonverbal cues provide clarity or contradiction for a message we intend to send but nonverbal communication is not as easy to understand as it seems to be. Often it is misinterpreted and because of that wrong message is understood by the receiver. Another widely accepted fact states that by focusing upon the body language of a person we can predict how he/she feels about any situation. Body language is characterized in several different ways, such ways are Haptic, Kinesics, Polemics, and physical characteristics. This paper will focus mostly on the basic details of how to read and understand non verbal communication and what we can learn from it.

Last modified: 2015-01-28 15:10:30