Review of Noise Cancellation of Speech Signal by Using Adaptive Filtering with RLS Algorithm
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.4, No. 7)Publication Date: 2015-07-05
Authors : Aman Kumar Sahu; Aashish Hiradhar;
Page : 463-465
Keywords : noise signal; adaptive filter; noise canceller; RLS algorithm; matlab;
In communication system, if statistical property of the signal is known then we are use a fixed filter but when the property of the signal is unknown we used adaptive filter. Adaptive filter is one of the most important areas in DSP to remove background noise. In this paper, we describe the noise cancelling using recursive least square (RLS) algorithm to remove the noise from input signal. The RLS adaptive filter uses as a reference signal on the input port and desired signal on the desired port to automatically match the filter response in noise filter block. The filtered noise should be completely subtracted from the noise signal of the input speech signal and noise input signal and the error signal should contain only the original signal.
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