Physico-Chemical Analysis of Sugar Mill Effluent of Kabirdham (C.G.)
Journal: International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER) (Vol.4, No. 10)Publication Date: 2016-10-05
Authors : Chhaya Bhatt; Rashmi Verma;
Page : 129-131
Keywords : Sugar Mill Effluent; Physicochemical Characteristic; BIS;
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Industrial waste encompasses the full range of unwanted substances and losses generated by industrial activities, including emissions to air or surface water and In addition, sugar factory effluent discharged in the environment poses a serious health hazard to the rural and semi-urban populations that use stream and river water for agriculture and domestic purposes. Sugar industry is being an important player in foreign exchange earnings and also plays its part in polluting the environment with its discharge. Use of industrial effluent in the land of irrigation has become common practice in India. The present study was aimed to investigate the physicochemical analysis of sugar mill effluent of Bhoramdev co-operative sugar factory Kabirdham. The various parameters studied were colour, odour, temperature, pH, total hardness, turbidity, iron, chloride, sulphate, fluoride ions, total dissolved solids, BOD, COD, calcium, magnesium. in this paper I have discussed different parameters in which permeable limit of some parameters are above compared to BIS limit.
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