Modified Michelson Interferometer Design for Ear Measurement
Journal: International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER) (Vol.6, No. 12)Publication Date: 2018-12-05
Authors : Raya Badie Younis; Suha Mousa Khorsheed; Ziad Tarik Al-Dahan;
Page : 36-41
Keywords : laser Doppler interferometer Michelson OpticStudio Zemax optical interferometer;
This paper presents an experimental study of the laser interferometry technique. Zemax OpticStudio was employed to model Michelson interferometer for eardrum evaluation. Zemax Optical Design simulation was performed to specify the proper dimensions of Michelson interferometer for achieving best performance. A default configuration of Michelson interferometer was modeled. in terms of variant scaled configuration to reduce the dimensions and improve the resolution. Therefore, simulated eardrum characteristics were evaluated in response to pure tone sound stimulations. The measurement results show that the proposed design was able to detect nanometer displacement of the tympanic membrane with a high sensitivity
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Last modified: 2021-07-08 16:30:08