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Quality of modern natural education and teacher training to improve its indicators

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.17, No. 46)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 193-206

Keywords : quality of natural education; factors of quality of education; conditions of formation of competences; competence approach; competence-oriented training; requirements to the choice of methods; forms; means of training;

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This article highlights the concept of «quality of natural education» through the formation of the competence potential of the educational field «Natural Education» and the improvement of its indicators. The new philosophical approach to the educational process is due to the transition from personality-oriented to competence-oriented learning. Such a strategic direction will be able to change the learning outcomes of Ukrainian national education. It is emphasized that today society needs a mobile competitive person who can think critically, analyze, design, is capable of self-learning, self-development, self-improvement. To solve problems, young people should be involved in the study of natural sciences. The quality of natural education is considered in accordance with the education system with the requirements, social norms, state standards of education. Attention is drawn to the fact that the State Standard of Basic Secondary Education reveals such functions as: strategic, normative, coordination, controlling, synthesizing, informational. Each function is characterized by a corresponding area of activity. A new approach to the content of education, requirements for learning outcomes, assessment of academic achievement meet the educational needs of the student. Improving the quality of the educational process is considered through the motivation of the student to master natural subjects, the formation of key competencies, increase of the educational and cognitive activity of students, the development of their own scientific thinking, increase of independent work. It is emphasized that the quality of education is provided by the factors responsible for teacher training, educational curricula of natural sciences, the use of IT training, control and evaluation activities, etc. Each factor with information and technical support affects the process of personality development. The results of improving the quality of education in high school in different countries are presented, which emphasizes the urgency of this problem not only for Ukraine. The survey showed that it is difficult for teachers to select pedagogical technologies, methods, forms of work for the formation of key competencies of students. Teachers are recommended to use didactic teaching aids (activities, methods, technologies, forms of work, etc.) to form key competencies. It is concluded that the quality of education considered through the process of formation of key and subject competencies is appropriate, and the experience gained in Ukraine in creating and using in-service training courses for teachers needs to be constantly updated and supplemented with new information and communication and digital resources. The content of teaching, methods of natural sciences, forms of work, mastery of pedagogical technologies are constantly adjusted and changed in refresher courses for teachers, taking into account the requirements and conditions of today. The study is in constant search and correction.

Last modified: 2021-10-21 20:04:08