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Delayed Replantation of Immature Avulsed Teeth: Two Case Reports

Journal: International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science (IJDOS) (Vol.08, No. 04)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 2192-2195

Keywords : Tooth Avulsion; Tooth Replantation;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Introduction: Dental avulsion is the complete traumatic displacement of a tooth from the socket. Treatment of dental avulsion replantation should be done immediately but cases of delayed replantation can still be done. Case Report: Two children, both were 9 years old, had an avulsion of maxillary left central incisor with prolonged extraoral dry time. Treatment guideline for avulsed immature permanent tooth with prolonged extraoral dry time was carried out, then the endodontic treatment was performed extraorally and MTA was used to close the open apex. Wire with composite was used on case I, whereas fibre reinforced composite was used on case II. Replacement resorption was seen on radiograph but booth teeth remained in a stable and funcional position. Discussion: On delayed replantation, the endodontic treatment may be done prior to replantation or after the replantation. MTA can be used to coated the root tip. It is suggested to use semi-rigid splinting on dental avulsion case. Although the prognosis of delayed replantation cases is uncertain, the goal of this treatment is to preserve the surrounding teeth and bone for several years. Conclusion: Delayed replantation was still carried out in these cases to maintain aesthetic function, occlusion function, and to prevent the resorption of alveolar bone.

Last modified: 2021-11-02 16:32:29