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Internationalization Indicators for Higher Education Evaluation ? The Case of Taiwan

Proceeding: 11th International Academic Conference (IAC)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 430-436

Keywords : Internationalization; higher education; evaluation; Taiwan;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The purpose of this paper is to examine the current role of internationalization in the QA (quality assurance) evaluations of institutions of higher education in Taiwan. The method of documentary analysis was employed in the study. Firstly, a brief description of the structure and contents of this paper is presented. This is followed by an overview of the three organizations currently conducting QA for universities in Taiwan. Based on the results, the following conclusions are made: First of all, in terms of internationalization as an indicator for higher education evaluation, of the three QA agencies in Taiwan, only the IEET takes it into account; in contrast, the other two, the HEEACT, and the TWAEA, do not. Second, it is widely accepted that international competence is essential in a globalized employment market. Finally, although a diversity of evaluation indicators is to be expected, some indicators should be seen as universal, including internationalization.

Last modified: 2015-03-07 20:13:53