A review on covid-19 and acute ischemic stroke, malignant cerebral edema & decompressive hemicraniectomy: A perfect storm; tackling this crisis by understanding it
Journal: Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Case Reports (Vol.2, No. 5)Publication Date: 2021-10-31
Authors : Ardavan Ahmadvand; Hamidreza Seifmanesh; Maryam Ghandali; Ali Afrasiabi; Vida Tajiknia; Mahtab Amoujani;
Page : 1-5
Keywords : covid-19; acute ischemic stroke; malignant cerebral edema; covid-19 associated neurological complications.;
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Since the world was hit by novel coronavirus pandemic, so many challenges for all healthcare providers have been arisen. It is safe to say that no specialty was singled out in the matter of different complication from this viscous covid-19 situation and neurologists and neurosurgeon were no different. There are some studied reporting neurological complication associated with coronavirus infections but when it comes to life threatening and acute neurological complications such as strokes and malignant cerebral edema the data is scant. Here we are going to review the possible pathophysiology of this phenomenon, the relationship between covid-19 and acute ischemic stroke and malignant cerebral edema by taking a closer look at current data regarding this matter.
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Last modified: 2021-12-13 11:02:28