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The cluster as a factor of growth of digital companies in Algeria. Illustration by the sidi-abdallah technopole

Journal: Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship (Vol.4, No. 5)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 28-37

Keywords : Clusters; Digital economy; Development; Entrepreneurship; Techno-pole of sidi abdallah;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


At a time when we are living increasingly globalized economies, we observe that local productive and innovative spaces are not tending to disappear, bet rather seem to be generalizing on a global scale. Research and development; network structuring of innovation actors (learning, cooperation, competition...); regional growth (spatial and institutional contextual conditions)…, clusters, often referenced to the fabulous destiny of the Silicon Valley, are evolving exponentially, particularly in the field of the digital economy. In this latter, Algeria is lagging far behind. So, policies and incentives are implemented by the Algerian government to develop this field, including the creation of techno-parks equipped with incubators promoting the installation, development and creation of hi-tech companies. Thus, this article will cover the example of the sidi abdellah techno pole dedicated to the digital economy and its potential impact on the creation and development of enterprises

Last modified: 2021-12-24 01:33:52