The Smolensk region economy by the beginning of radical economic transformations in 1985-1991
Journal: Studia Humanitatis (Vol.2021, No. 4)Publication Date: 2022-01-25
Authors : Ivanov A.M. Yagneshko M.V.;
Page : 5-5
Keywords : theft; economy; socio-economic environment; misappropriation of public funds; transformation; Smolensk region;
Since the beginning of the 1990s radical transformations started in Russia after the Perestroika carried out in the previous few years. Their dynamics and results were determined to a certain extent by the socio-economic processes that developed in the pre-reform period in the country as a whole and at the regional level in particular. The authors investigate the Smolensk region economy condition, the population dynamics of income, analyse the negative changes that have accumulated in the socio-economic sphere of the region by the end of 1991.
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Last modified: 2022-02-02 08:07:13