Bilateral Breast Primary Tuberculous Mastitis a Rare Entity in Males - Case Report
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.10, No. 8)Publication Date: 2021-08-05
Authors : Dr Shailendra Munj; Dr Krupa Jog; Dr Varsha Munj;
Page : 1133-1135
Keywords : Sinus; breast; male; Extrapulmonary tuberculosis;
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Introduction: Primary breast tuberculosis is a rare manifestation of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. It appears mostly in women of reproductive age group. Breast tuberculosis usually presents as a single lump in breast and bilateral breast tuberculosis with multiple lumps and sinus formation is rarely documented especially in male patients. Case Report: we report a case of bilateral primary breast tuberculosis in a male who had repeated breast abscess formation and not responding to surgical and medical management. Histopathological and coadjuvant AFB helped in confirmation of the diagnosis and facilitated evidence based management. Discussion: High risk population was identified. Disease classification along with analysis of clinical presentation is done. Various diagnostic techniques with their limitations are discussed. Conclusion: High index of suspicion, ambiguous clinical presentation and utilising adequate laboratory tools for diagnosis of tuberculous mastitis in male is essential for proper clinical outcome.
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Last modified: 2022-02-15 18:36:48