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Transverse Sensing of Simply Supported Truncated Conical Shells

Journal: Journal of Computational Applied Mechanics (Vol.49, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 212-230

Keywords : Conical shells; piezoelectric layer; Sensor; longitudinal direction; circumferential direction; Kirchhoff theory;

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Modal signals of transverse sensing of truncated conical shells with simply supported boundary condition at both ends are investigated. The embedded piezoelectric layer on the surface of conical shell is used as sensors and output voltages of them in considered modes are calculated. The Governing sensing signal displacement equations are derived based on the Kirchhoff theory, thin-shell assumption, piezoelectric direct effect, the Gauss theory and the open circuit assumption. A conical shell with fully covered piezoelectric layer is considered as a case study and the layer is segmented into 400 patches. Modal voltages of the considered model are calculated and evaluated. The ideal locations for sensor patches are in the middle of conical shell surface in the longitudinal direction and locations near the ends of the conical shell are not recommended. The longitudinal membrane strain signal has a leading role on the total signal in comparison with other strain signal components. The output signals of the sensor can be used as a controller input for later active vibration control or structural health monitoring.

Last modified: 2022-06-23 04:17:07