Comparison of Performance of Di Diesel Engine Using Jatropha Bio-Diesel, Jatropha Oil and Neem Oil
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.11, No. 5)Publication Date: 2022-05-05
Authors : Samir Pandey;
Page : 686-690
Keywords : Jatropha Bio-Diesel; vegetable Oils; Jatropha oil; Neem oil; Diesel oil;
There is blending of Jatropha Bio-diesel oil, Jatropha oil and Neem oil with diesel for the performance of diesel engine. In the current investigation, the performance of Jatropha bio diesel oil, Jatrophaoil and Neem oil has been tested. Naturally available which long have been potential alternative fuel for the Direct Injection compression ignition (C. I.) engine were blended with diesel. The performance test consists of brake power, brake specific fuel consumption, brake thermal efficiency and mechanical efficiency. The performance evaluation was done using a twin cylinder, water-cooled, 14 bhp, 4-stroke, constant speed C. I. engine coupled with a swinging field dynamometer and the performance was compared with the performance obtained with diesel and jatropha bio diesel oil. we can use Jatropha oil as a next generation diesel oil in upcoming future.
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Last modified: 2022-09-07 15:14:21