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The research of the integrated courses teachers subject level competence in the natural science education

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.24, No. 53)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ; ;

Page : 73-87

Keywords : science education field; subject competence; biological component; physical component; chemical component; New Ukrainian school; integrated courses; teacher training;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


In the article examines the problem of teachers' readiness to teach integrated courses in the field of science education within the framework of the New Ukrainian School. The results of determining the level of subject competence of teachers according to biological, physics and chemical components are given. The study was conducted among teachers of the Dnipropetrovsk region who teach science integrated courses in grades 5–6. The question of the biological, physics and chemical components is concluded in accordance with the requirements for basic knowledge, which are defined in the State Standard of Basic Secondary Education and which are reflected in the model programs of the New Ukrainian School. The analysis of the research results indicates an insufficient level of competence teachers subject in certain components (biological, physical and chemical) of integrated courses in the field of science education. For the biological component, more than 45 % of the respondents could not score more than 80 % of the points, which we define as the acceptable threshold of readiness. For the chemical component, slightly more than 40 % of the respondents completed more than 80 % of the tasks, none of the respondents received the maximum score, more than 20 % of the respondents received a result that did not exceed 50 %, which can be considered unsatisfactory. According to the physical component, no more than 8 % of respondents scored more than 80 %, while more than 37 % could not pass the 50 % mark. The results of the research are the basis for determining the need to create educational programs of advanced training courses for the training of relevant specialists. We consider it necessary to introduce specialized (physics, chemistry, biology) professional development courses for teachers who teach science integrated courses. This is an urgent issue, becauce the latest graduates of higher education institutions specializing in "Teacher of integrated courses" will not close the need for these teachers in the coming years.

Last modified: 2023-05-11 15:25:12