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In Silico Analysis of Dimethylsulfoxide Reductases from Phototrophic Rhodobacter Species

Journal: Bioinformatics & Proteomics Open Access Journal (BPOJ) (Vol.1, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 1-5

Keywords : DMSO Reductases; Rhodobacter sps; Silico Analysis; Instability Index;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


In the present study in silico modeling of Dimethylsulfoxide reductases were done and the results are presented. The composition of cysteine and lysine were lowest when compared to the aminoacids alanine and glycine. The instability index of all the enzymes varied but was less than 40 showing that all of them are stable. The negative aminoacids were more compared to the positively charged aminoacids. SOSUI server analysis has shown that all the enzymes were soluble in nature.

Last modified: 2023-07-03 16:24:33