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Theoretical principles of the formation of the model of integrated restoration and development of territorial communities

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers «Social and Behavioral Sciences Series»; «Management and Administration Series» (psychological 053, economy 051, public administration 281). (Category «B») (Vol.25, No. 54)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ; ;

Page : 110-133

Keywords : model of integrated recovery and development; local community; functions of integrated management; revitalization; Sustainability; creative industries; directions of recovery;

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The article presents a theoretical justification of the content of the model of integrated restoration and development of territorial communities in Ukraine. It has been established that an integrated approach to community development means the unification of all subjects, objects and measures of local policy into a single whole, which allows establishing factors and relationships for further managerial influence. At the same time, each management function should acquire an integrated character. Accordingly, the model of integrated restoration and development of the territorial community envisages the coordinated activity of the local self-government body with private and public stakeholders of various levels (public authorities, international and non-governmental organizations, businesses, active citizens, etc.) regarding the formation and implementation of the plan for the restoration and development of the territorial community. The key characteristics and directions of the formation of the model of integrated restoration and development of the territorial community have been established: • consolidation of the model in the planning documents of the territorial community; • a holistic vision of the territorial community as a system of systems in which everything is interconnected and deterministic; • analysis of mutual influences of factors of various industries and spheres of socio-economic processes • determining the priorities of the recovery and development policy, as well as a set of measures for their implementation, in their interrelationship (interdisciplinary approach); • maximum involvement of all potentially interested parties in the development of the model; • established horizontal and vertical coordination both during the development of the model and during its implementation; • interdisciplinary, which involves taking into account the connection of all aspects of the socio-economic development of the territorial community; • strengthening the use of intangible factors of recovery and development of the community. It was established that, given the complexity of all management processes related to the restoration and development of territorial communities, it is primarily necessary to strengthen the institutional capacity of local government and scientific and analytical support.

Last modified: 2023-10-04 16:57:39