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Evolution of formation and development of public regulation for organisation and conduct of gambling in Ukraine

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers «Social and Behavioral Sciences Series»; «Management and Administration Series» (psychological 053, economy 051, public administration 281). (Category «B») (Vol.25, No. 54)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 134-149

Keywords : gambling; public regulation; organization and conduct of gambling; bookmakers activity; ludomania;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


This article analyses the concept of "evolution" as a gradual process of development of public regulation of the sphere of organising and conducting gambling in Ukraine. The article presents the results of a preliminary analysis of the current state of problematic issues of public regulation of activities in the field of organising and conducting gambling in Ukraine. The author outlines the periodisation of formation and development of public regulation of activities related to organisation and conduct of gambling in Ukraine based on significant legal events. The author analyses the dynamics of valid, issued and cancelled licences from the CRGL, identifies peculiarities by periods, and provides explanations for changes in the quantitative indicators of issued and cancelled licences. Based on the collected data, the author analyses the trends in the development of the sphere of organisation and conduct of gambling in Ukraine as an object of public regulatory influence. The author makes proposals for regulatory measures with a view to implementing them in the form of new instruments and improving the mechanisms of legal regulation of activities in this area of public relations. In terms of the problems of the industry, the author outlines the problems of digital technologies implementation and suggests the ways to solve them. As a result of the theoretical analysis, it is established that the problematic issues and negative factors affecting the development of public regulation of activities related to organisation and conduct of gambling are persistent, but their negative impact can be minimised. With the military aggression of the Russian Federation, this sphere has undergone changes and management actions as a result of the implementation of new regulatory legal acts of Ukraine due to this aggression. The evolutionary development and formation of public regulation of the area under study are more appropriate than the initiatives of radical changes and complete liquidation of the Commission for Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries (CRGL) in Ukraine as a special public administration body with separate delegated powers. The author searches for prospects for the future development of public regulation of activities related to organisation and conduct of gambling in Ukraine. The presented research results are the initial link in substantiating the theoretical and methodological foundations of the mechanisms of public regulation of activities in the field of organisation and conduct of gambling in Ukraine.

Last modified: 2023-10-04 16:59:29