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Humanitarian Activities of the American Relief Administration on the Territory of Yelisavethrad Region in 1921–1923 (Based on Documents from the State Archives of Kirovohrad Region)

Journal: Archives of Ukraine (Vol.1, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 87-99

Keywords : 1921–1923 famine; international aid; American Relief Administration (ARA); Yelysavethrad Region;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The article examines the activities of the American Relief Administration in Ukraine, including the territory of Yelysavethrad Region. It provides information about the inception of the ARA's operations and discusses the working conditions of the ARA based on archival documents and materials from the State Archives of Kirovohrad Region. The aim of the research is to introduce archival sources related to the activities of the American Relief Administration in Ukraine during the 1921–1923 famine, focusing on the case of Yelysavethrad Region, into scientifi c circulation and popularize them. The research methodology encompasses general scientifi c methods such as analysis, synthesis, description, detailing, and generalization. Historical methodology, including historical-chronological, historical-genetic, and historical-source analysis, was employed during the search and processing of archival documents. The scientifi c novelty of the article lies in a comprehensive analysis of the potential of the documents from the State Archives of Kirovohrad Region for studying the activities of the international organization ARA during the 1921–1923 famine on Ukrainian territories. Information from these documents allows for a deeper understanding of the course of the famine on the Yelysavethrad County, thereby providing a signifi cant addition to the existing knowledge. The local peculiarities of ARA's operations were elucidate, and its contribution to overcoming the humanitarian catastrophe was establish. This has made it possible to reconstruct a clearer picture of the actual state of aff airs in soviet society. The prospects for further research lies in the necessity of preparing a synthetic study that would comprehensively elucidate the specifi cs of activities of the American Relief Administration (ARA) on the territory of Ukraine, achievable only through the identifi cation and analysis of the widest possible range of documents related to the researched issues. The conclusions emphasize that the documents from the State Archives of Kirovohrad Region enable us to uncover the essence of the ARA's activities, specify certain aspects of its operations, and reconstruct the contemporary societal relations in Yelysavethrad Region.

Last modified: 2023-11-04 01:32:53