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To understand the definition of the essence and features of public authority

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. Series "Social and Behavioral Sciences; Management and Administration" (psychological, economy, public administration). Category «B» (Vol.28, No. 57)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 219-231

Keywords : public power; signs of public power; power; mechanism of ensuring power; exercise of power;

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The article analyzes the concepts of "power" and "public power". The signs of public power are identified, various definitions of public power are analyzed, public power as a phenomenon is studied, the author's definition of public power is formulated. Special attention is paid to the semantic definition of such a category as power. The mechanism of ensuring power is defined, which must be understood as a system of tools and techniques that guarantee the subject of power the realization of his will. A distinction is drawn between the formal and actual mechanism of ensuring power. The formal mechanism is defined as a system of normatively defined powers and functions on the basis of which the subject of power realizes his will. Such a mechanism is defined exclusively in legal acts. The actual mechanism is defined as a system of real factors and relationships that have traditionally been formed between the subjects of power that perform power-management functions, while the normative legal acts do not provide for the performance of such functions by the specified subjects. It is substantiated that public power is a subspecies of political power. At the same time, it is worth noting that in addition to public power, political power can include totalitarian power, autocratic power, etc. The existence of a supranational form of public power, which takes place when the people transfer part of their sovereignty, and thus power, to supranational bodies, an example of which can be public power in the European Union, has been argued. A conclusion was made about the existence of three forms of public power: municipal, state and supranational. The author's definition of public power is given - it is a type of political power in countries with a democratic regime, the essence of which is the possibility and ability to determine the behavior of subordinate subjects on the basis of relevant legal norms. Public power can be exercised by supranational, state and local authorities, as well as by other specially authorized entities

Last modified: 2024-05-01 20:04:03