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Exploring Gender Biasness in selected works of Mahesh Dattani

Journal: International Journal of English, Literature and Social Science (Vol.9, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 040-046

Keywords : Gender roles; Feminist theory; Queer theory; Gender prejudices; Modern Indian theatre;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


For decades the world has had rigid gender roles and constraints. This research paper examines instances of gender prejudice in the selected works of Mahesh Dattani, with a particular emphasis on his well-known plays Tara and Dance Like a Man. Using a multidisciplinary methodology, the research breaks down the complex layers of gender representation in these dramatic narratives by employing feminist theory, queer theory which aims at analyzing of gender roles in the society. The study examines how Dattani's characters negotiate power relationships, identity development, and societal expectations in the setting of Indian culture using in-depth textual analysis and theoretical frameworks. The research seeks to expose underlying prejudices, disprove normative presumptions, and promote a deeper comprehension of the nuances surrounding gender discourse in modern Indian theatre and literature by examining the production of gender within these works. This paper aims to investigate into gender prejudice and queer theory, which is crucial because it exposes structural injustices, questions normative assumptions, and promotes inclusivity. Through the analysis of these problems, society may deal with prejudice, support underprivileged groups, and advance a more diverse and equal conception of gender and sexuality.

Last modified: 2024-05-14 16:51:20