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A Web-Based “Department Management System” for Academic Institutions

Journal: International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (Vol.11, No. 05)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 42-44

Keywords : Department Management System; DMS; DEPT; MGMT; Management System.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


This work done is pointed toward fostering a web-based Online application "Division The executives Framework" that is of significance to explicit branch of school. The framework is electronic application that can be gotten to all through the division of an association. This framework might be utilized for checking the general exercises as well as execution of the understudies. This work is being produced for a designing to keep up with and work with simple admittance to data. For this the clients should be enrolled with the framework after which they can access as well as alter information according to the consents given to them. DMS is an online application that targets giving data to every one of the degrees of division in an association. For a given understudy/personnel can get to the framework to either transfer or download some data from the information base.

Last modified: 2024-05-25 14:52:24