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Journal: Proceedings on Engineering Sciences (Vol.6, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 459-466

Keywords : Grain dryer; Technological process; Optimization; Operation; Mathematical model;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Drying of capillary-porous colloidal materials, including grain, is a complex technological process, which is implemented in installations of various design and principal designs. The method of grain dryers engineering calculation is based on material and thermal balances, because of which the amount of moisture to be removed from the material, the flow rate of the heat carrier, and the duration of the drying process are determined. However, to intensify and automate the processes of grain post-harvest processing, new technological approaches and circuit solutions based on digital platforms are needed. When optimizing the modes of grain dryers' operation as complex dynamic systems, it becomes necessary to formulate and solve a control problem that takes into account the restrictions imposed on the allowable ranges of changes in the coordinates of the technological process quality multidimensional space and its regulation. These restrictions are determined by the given regulation of the kinetic processes course, when thermal effects approach the maximum allowable values. Taking into account the limitations in the process of synthesis of control systems allows reasons to implement the conditions for product quality and improve the reliability of the grain dryer. On synthesizing an effective control system for a carousel-type grain dryer, a difficult task arises - the fulfillment of engineering requirements set for the quality of the technological process functioning in transient and steady-state modes. The development and implementation of an optimization model that ensures the stabilization of the grain dryer leads technological parameters to an increase in the reliability of the post-harvest grain processing system functioning as a whole.).

Last modified: 2024-06-05 22:27:36