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Bacterial Delivery Vehicles for Mucosal Vaccines: A Promising Tool for Mass Vaccination |Biomedgrid

Journal: American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research (Vol.17, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ; ;

Page : 298-301

Keywords : Mucosal Immune System; Vaccine; Bacterial Delivery Vehicle; Vaccination; Mucosal niches;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Infectious diseases continue to be a leading cause of death especially in low-income countries. Vaccination is without doubt the best means to reduce the mortality and morbidity due to viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic pathogens. Most of the infections are initiated at the mucosal surfaces that are in contact with the external environmental. Mucosal vaccination aims to deliver immunogens at the mucosa thereby activating the mucosal immune system and providing a protection at both the portal of entry for pathogens and the systemic compartment of the body. Recombinant bacteria represent a class of mucosal vaccine delivery platform that has a potential that need to be further explored. This short review discussed two type of bacterial mucosal vaccine delivery vehicles including attenuated pathogens and commensals. It summarizes the advantages and limits of each type and emphasizes the possibility of using these vectors alone or in combination for mass vaccination to reduce the burden of infectious diseases and prepare for pandemics like the recent Covid-19.

Last modified: 2024-06-27 21:37:13