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Journal: International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Medicine (IJPSM) (Vol.9, No. 6)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ;

Page : 61-68

Keywords : Adenium obesum; phytochemicals; pharmacological properties; antioxidant; anticancer;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Plants and their exudates have long been used more and more in traditional medical systems including ayurveda, acupuncture, homoeopathy, and aromatherapy. Traditional derived organic medicine is well recognised to be used by many individuals to treat a range of ailments because of its low cost and few side effects. The review was based on the phytochemicals and pharmacological properties of adenium obesum. Though they were first discovered in Africa, species of Adenium obesum are now widespread in practically all tropical and subtropical nations. The chosen plant species are found in Asia as well as in Africa. 53 compounds in all were isolated and identified in earlier studies of the selected plant by different authors. While certain have biological properties like antiviral, anticancer, and cytotoxic impact, others are toxic. Few studies have been done in Gulf countries on the chosen local medicinal plant. The chemical components of the bark and stem were betulin and rosmarinic acid. While leaves confirmed for several chemical components, such as Honghelin, Obeside-B & C, the stem exhibited 3,5,7,3,4,5-Hexahydroxy flavone and 5,7,3,4-Tetrahydroxy flavone. It Concluded that isolated compounds and crude plant extracts have a variety of biological effects, including possible effects on the heart and immune system as well as antibacterial, anti-influenza, anticancer, antiviral, Trypanocides, larvicidal, as piscicide, and molluscicide qualities.

Last modified: 2024-07-01 00:43:39