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Application of Innovative Approaches to Improve the System of Training and Stimulation of Managers in the Formation of Personnel Potential of an Industrial Enterprise

Journal: Management of the economy: theory and practice (Vol.15, No. 15)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 59-76

Keywords : innovative approaches; manager training system; personnel potential; personnel development; labor stimulation; industrial enterprise;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The article examines the need to improve the system of motivation of the company's personnel and increase its economic efficiency with the help of the use of non-economic levers of influence, the analysis of the use of innovative approaches to improve the system of training and stimulation of managers in the formation of the personnel potential of an industrial enterprise. It was determined that research in the field of innovative approaches to the creation of an effective, stimulating and adaptive system of training and stimulation of managers is an important component of the development of modern management of organizations. Possibilities of applying innovative approaches to improving the system of training and stimulating managers in the formation of personnel potential of an industrial enterprise were considered, and foreign experience in stimulating employees was used, which can be useful for implementation in various areas of business and personnel management, and especially at industrial enterprises. The bonus system for all employees, both primary and additional, was considered, which can become a powerful tool for stimulating and increasing general motivation at the enterprise, the existing incentive system was analyzed and its strengths and weaknesses were determined. It was determined that the use of innovative methods of staff stimulation will significantly improve the efficiency and motivation of the team, however, it is important that innovative methods of stimulation are flexible and take into account the diversity of needs and characteristics of employees, as well as to regularly evaluate the effectiveness of implemented measures and adapt them taking into account changes in the organizational environment. It has been proven that system management is an urgent need for management efficiency and effectiveness of modern enterprise as a whole. The place of management technology in the company's personnel management system is presented in the context of the organization's structural diagram, because management technologies can affect various aspects of the company's personnel management and be embedded in different levels of the organizational structure. It is important to integrate technologies to optimize processes and increase the efficiency of personnel management.

Last modified: 2024-07-02 02:27:23