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Archived Papers for Journal

Management of the economy: theory and practice >>

Vol.15, No.15

Publisher: The Institute of the Economy of Industry of the NAS of Ukraine

Publishing Date: 2023-12-21

  1. The Corporate Integration process Development of Enterprises Associations in the Conditions of Transformations and Changes

    Authors: Gonchar V. V. Trushkina N. V. Yakushev O. V.

  2. The Energy Paradox Associated with the Free Supply of Coal to Workers in the Coal Industry

    Authors: Cherevatskyi D. Yu. Bojko O. V.

  3. Management of Ensuring Social Responsibility in the System of Distributed Generatio

    Authors: Mykytenko V. V. Amosha О. О.

  4. Economic and Financial Risks of Corporate Integrated Structures in the Context of the Development of Security and Marketing Management of Integration Processes

    Authors: Boiko O. V. Havrylova N. V. Shchepka O. V.

  5. Application of Innovative Approaches to Improve the System of Training and Stimulation of Managers in the Formation of Personnel Potential of an Industrial Enterprise

    Authors: Hutsaliuk O. M. Bondar Iu. A. Tomareva-Patlakhova V. V. Ukrainskyi S. S.

  6. A Model of the Structure of the Management of Business Processes in Educational Institutions from the Standpoint of Economic Interaction, the Development of Innovativeness and Competitiveness

    Authors: Us G. O. Kolodynskyi S. B.

  7. Legislative Provision of State Regulation of Innovative Project Activities of Educational Institutions in Ukraine in the Context of Economic Development and Competitiveness

    Authors: Petchenko M. V. Buhaieva M. V.

  8. Economic Determinants of Strategic Management of Integration and Diversification Processes of Corporate Enterprises

    Authors: Kravchenko M. S. Kolovorotnyі S. A. Shatalov O. V.

  9. Financial Self-Sufficiency of Territorial Communities and Provision Mechanisms in Conditions of Decentralizatio

    Authors: Kotsiurba O. Yu. Sybirtsev V. V. Melnyk T. A.

  10. Theoretical Approaches to Determining the Economic Essence of Corporate Management of the Integration of Industrial Enterprises and Associations

    Authors: Hryhorash S. Yu.

  11. Economic Analysis of the Conditions of Formation and Functioning of the Corporate Sector in Ukraine

    Authors: Lin Z.

  12. Development of a methodological approach and recommendations for the formation of an economic strategy for the implementation of corporate integration processes

    Authors: Chen M.

  13. Criterion Approach to Determining the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Innovative Development of Corporate Integration Associations

    Authors: Ou W.

  14. Economic Nature and Essence of the Concept of Marketing Management in a Scientific Review

    Authors: Syvolap Yu. Yu.

  15. Partnership as a Form of Economic Interaction in the Market of Educational Services

    Authors: Litviak A. V.

  16. Formation of Economic Approaches to Scientific Substantiation of Innovative Project Activities of Extracurricular Art Educational Institutions

    Authors: Pasechnyk I. V.