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Page : 90-100

Keywords : an educational space; SMART–education; a foreign language; a foreign language communicative culture; creative thinking; interactive learning; students of non–linguistic specialties;

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Introduction. Taking into account the processes of globalization, which are characterized by the integration of world standards and significant changes in all spheres of public welfare: economy, politics, culture, law and education, this article is devoted to the consideration of modern technologies of teaching foreign languages in institutions of higher education in non–linguistic specialties. The effectiveness of foreign language acquisition by students of non–linguistic majors requires the presence of the following main components of communication: interactive, communicative and perceptive. The use of interactive forms of learning during the study of foreign languages by students of non–linguistic specialties will be effective only if the content of the educational process will have practical significance in the future professional activity of the students.Purpose. The article aims to analyse the specifics of the use of modern foreign language teaching technologies when working with students of non–linguistic specialties of higher education institutions.Methods.Taking into account the specifics of the research object, we relied mainly on theoretical methods of pedagogical research (synthesis, analysis, deduction, induction, classification, comparison, specification, generalisation, abstraction). Results.The author draws attention to the fact that it is with the help of interactive technologies that active interaction of students is carried out when learning a foreign language, which is an advantage of interactive methods compared to traditional teaching methods. It was determined that the construction of the educational process should be focused on: the development of studentsʼ adequate level of thinking, the ability to defend their own position, to be critical, first of all, to themselves. It is noted that such interactive learning methods as heuristic conversations, presentations, role–playing games, brainstorming, competitions with practical tasks and their subsequent discussion, discussions, drawing up business plans, projects, as well as organizing creative events with the involvement of English–speaking specialists are most often used.Originality.Scientific literature and pedagogical periodicals were analyzed, a classification based on the most essential aspects and characteristics of foreign language proficiency was analyzed, summarized and given: level of use, philosophical basis, methodological approach, leading factor of personality development, scientific concept of transfer and assimilation of experience, orientation to personal spheres and structures personalities, the nature of the content and structure, the main type of socio–pedagogical activity, the type of management of the educational process, dominant methods, organizational forms, educational tools, approaches and recommendations regarding pedagogical interaction, the direction of modernization, the category of pedagogical objects. Modern technologies of teaching foreign languages in non–linguistic specialties are characterized.Conclusion.Analysis of the dynamics of changes in demand on the labor market in Ukraine and theworld showed that every year the requirements are increasing not only for professional knowledge and skills, but also for the level of foreign language proficiency, especially English. It has been proven that the introduction and successful use of new technical means in the educational process is closely related and directly depends on the training of students, therefore, great efforts are needed to create programs that demonstrate the advantages of using ICT in the process of student education in higher education institutions.

Last modified: 2024-10-21 16:27:51