Trend and growth analysis in area, production and productivity of soybean in different agro-climatic regions of Madhya Pradesh
Journal: Bioved (Vol.24, No. 1)Publication Date: 2013-02-20
Authors : Shubh Laxmi; R.M. Sahu; R.K. Gaur;
Page : 67-74
Keywords : Production; productivity; absolute change; relative change; agro-climatic regions.;
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The present study was undertaken to analyze the trends and growth in area, production and productivity of Soybean. The study was based on secondary time series data collected from 1991-92 to 2007-08. The result of the study has shown the increasing trend in all the regions with respect to area except Chhattisgarh Plains, Northern Hill Regions of Chhattisgarh and Central Narmada Valley whereas in case of production, it was Chhattisgarh Plains, Northern Hill Regions of Chhattisgarh and Bundelkhand Region. In case of productivity, all the regions have shown increasing trend except Northern Hill Regions of Chhattisgarh and Bundelkhand Region. Highest absolute increase in area and production was observed for Malwa Plateau (824.067 thousand ha and 1065.967 thousand tons respectively) whereas, in case of productivity, it was Nimar Plains (421.567 kg/ha). In terms of relative increase in area, production and productivity, it was highest in Nimar Plains (629.636, 1105.218 and 421.567 per cent respectively). Simple Growth Rate in area, production and productivity was observed as highest in Nimar Plains (10.767, 13.052 and 3.093 per cent respectively) whereas declining rate was observed for Chhattisgarh Plains in case of area and production (?7.018 & ?5.587 per cent) and Bundelkhand Region in case of productivity (?4.424 per cent). Compound Growth Rate in area, production and productivity was observed as highest in Nimar Plains (16.421, 19.757 and 2.865 per cent respectively) whereas, declining rate was observedfor Chhattisgarh Plains in case of area & production (?7.967 & ?6.030 per cent) and Bundelkhand Region in case of productivity (?4.966 per cent).
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