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Journal: International scientific journal "Internauka." Series: "Economic Sciences" (Vol.1, No. 89)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 89-99

Keywords : logistics; logistics market; logistics services; regulation of the logistics market; logistics concept;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Introduction. The logistics services market plays a vital role in the modern economy, ensuring the movement of goods and information between different elements of supply chains. The efficiency of this market is crucial for economic growth, competitiveness, and welfare of the society. In Ukraine, the logistics market faces several problems and challenges that hinder its development and reduce the international competitiveness of Ukrainian logistics companies. Among the main problems are the need for a clear and transparent regulatory system, low level of competition, insufficient infrastructure development, limited use of new technologies, and inefficient communication and cooperation between the participants of the logistics chain. Purpose. This article aims to define and theoretically outline the conceptual mechanisms for regulating the functional foundations of the logistics services market. Materials and Methods. All these problems hurt the development of the logistics services market and the economy of Ukraine as a whole. Therefore, the systematization of these problems will create favorable conditions for the development of competitiveness in the logistics services market, improve their quality and availability, stimulate the introduction of innovations and new technologies, reduce logistics costs, and make Ukrainian companies more competitive in the world market, and improve coordination between the participants in the logistics chain. Results. Ukraine's favorable geographical location facilitates the growth of cargo transit between Asia and Europe and exports. Domestic companies are actively exploring new markets, which stimulates the development of the logistics industry. This leads to the expansion of the contract logistics market. Logistics in Ukraine is showing positive trends, influencing the country's economy and the development of related industries. Although the logistics services market in Ukraine is developing more slowly than in some other countries, it has significant potential for competitiveness. The 25–35% growth in online commerce in recent years has led to the emergence of new logistics services for online businesses. The logistics market in Ukraine is closely linked to developing retail chains and e-commerce. The increasing number of stores, the need for supply chain management, and the lack of professional logistics centers with different temperature conditions are essential factors. Access to logistics services for Ukrainian retailers and e-commerce representatives requires professional logistics operators who can guarantee a high level of service in any region of the country. Discussion. The logistics services market in Ukraine requires significant changes and improvements to meet global standards. Essential steps include improving the legal framework governing the activities of customs authorities, simplifying customs control procedures, and upgrading the infrastructure and transport complex to meet the needs of the national economy.

Last modified: 2024-12-16 09:36:45