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Journal: International Scientific Journal "Internauka" (Vol.1, No. 161)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 74-77

Keywords : signal; oscillation; information; voice recorder;

Source : Download Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Language information is one of the main sources of obtaining data on a person's personal life, financial condition, research, production activities of the enterprise, that is, information that is not subject to wide publicity. Although automated information systems play a significant role, voice information in message streams is still predominant. (about 80% of the total flow of information). To date, an important role in the conduct of business relations is played by negotiations, some of which should not be disclosed, since their leakage can cause great damage not only to the company, corporation, but even to the whole state, so each owner of information tries to hide the content of the conversation. Due to the rapid development of technical intelligence, it is increasingly difficult to hide language information. Due to the fact that the information has a price, competing parties have the goal to take possession of it, resorting to spy methods. The study of technical means of listening makes it possible to simulate the channel of information leakage, which in turn increases the likelihood of successful counteraction using methods and methods of information leakage. There is a need to study the technical means of listening for conducting an effective fight against listening.

Last modified: 2024-12-18 21:34:54