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Journal: International Scientific Journal "Internauka" (Vol.1, No. 162)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 26-30

Keywords : organizational and economic management mechanism; sustainable development; hotel and restaurant enterprises; strategic management;

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Management of the sustainable development of the enterprise in its essence involves ensuring its perspectiveoriented, strategic development. The implementation of the strategy unites certain types of activities and business processes, forms structural relationships between them, determines the order of interaction, forming in this way the organizational and economic form of the mechanism for the implementation of the enterprise management strategy. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence and significance of the organizational and economic mechanism of managing the sustainable development of enterprises in the hotel and restaurant sphere. Materials and methods: the research materials are the works of domestic scientists in the field of economics, management, etc.; the methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction were applied, which together made it possible to achieve the set goal. The results. Management of enterprises in the hotel and restaurant sphere is usually considered as a complex hierarchical system, as a set of forms, methods and means by which their managers regulate planned activities. However, this approach to understanding management does not take into account its functional components (organizational, economic). The application of the organizational and economic mechanism involves qualitative transformation and improvement of labor efficiency, reduction of production costs and administrative and sales activities, improvement of the structure of capital investments. Conclusions. The strategic goals of the functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism for the implementation of the management strategy for the sustainable development of hotel and restaurant enterprises are: increasing profits, reducing operating costs and material intensity of production, increasing labor productivity, increasing the efficiency of administrative and sales activities due to the introduction of innovations and the implementation of capital investments in the improvement process material and technical base. The question of the influence of investment and innovation costs on the efficiency of operation and improvement of service at enterprises of the hotel and restaurant sector requires further research.

Last modified: 2024-12-19 00:16:51