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The Constitution of Nepal 2015 and the Capacity of Government to Governance in Local Governments

Journal: International Journal of English, Literature and Social Science (Vol.9, No. 6)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 286-293

Keywords : administration; capacity; democracy; government; governance; participation; people;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


This paper explores Nepal's local governance after the endorsement of the Constitution in 2015. The Constitution identifies the local government (LG) as the lowest unit of government with no constitutional provision for the opposition group. The paper analyzes it from the perspective of government to governance using primary and secondary data. LG is the closest form of government envisioned by the Constitution. LGs in Nepal have played a crucial role in institutionalizing local governance, promoting democratic values, and accelerating social and economic development. However, these objectives are partly accomplished, despite constitutional provisions. There is still much work to complete at the local level to develop the necessary capability for promoting and distributing services and infrastructure. Though it concludes with recommendations for improving local governance, citizen dissatisfaction and political and bureaucratic dishonesty pose risks to their capacity development. It aims to address the extent to which local governments can implement constitutional rights to transform communities, revealing that more capacity is needed for restructuring, citizen engagement, partnerships, technical, administrative, and fiscal capacity, and law formulation. Major arguments remain unanswered.

Last modified: 2024-12-27 12:47:03