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The Influence of Dairy Components on the Rheological Properties of Wheat Dough and Assessment of its Suitability for 3D Printing

Journal: Техника и технология пищевых производств (Food Processing: Techniques and Technology) (Vol.54, No. 4)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ; ;

Page : 711-721

Keywords : Dough; 3D printing; extrusion; rheology; wheat flour; dairy components;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Wheat dough is a popular binder in many food formulations. It is also the most promising material for 3D-printed innovative food products. The article describes the effect of dairy ingredients on the rheological profile of wheat dough and its prospects for extrusion 3D printing. The test samples involved flour mixed with different amounts of water and various dairy components, e.g., milk powder, whey protein, and low-fat yogurt. The rheological properties were tested using the reverse extrusion method in a texture analyzer and a spindle viscometer. The best wheat dough sample had 65% moisture content, 5% milk powder (by weight), and 0–2.5% whey protein isolate or 20% yogurt. The sample demonstrated the optimal rheological properties that were close to those of the control sample: 1900–2100 Pa•s complex viscosity, 0.14–0.16 mechanical loss tangent, and 20–23.5 N resistance. The results can be used to develop innovative 3D-printed flour products. Further research will involve experiments in 3D printing of wheat dough with various dairy ingredients to determine the optimal kinematic and geometric parameters for extrusion 3D printing.

Last modified: 2025-01-13 15:34:34