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Visual communications in park environments

Journal: European Scientific e-Journal (Vol.34, No. 7)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 14-19

Keywords : visual communications; visual systems; environment; integration of visual elements;

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DOI: Analysing the current state and historical development of visual communications necessitates thorough research to enhance the organisation and interaction of visual information in urban environments. With cities' increasing complexity and reliance on effective communication systems, optimising the placement and integration of visual elements is crucial for functionality and aesthetics. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of how visual communications shape the experience and usability of urban spaces. The study subject is the principles and methods of organising and integrating visual information within urban spaces. The study object is the system of visual communications in urban environments. The analysis of the current state and historical development of visual communications necessitates thorough research and careful analysis to improve the placement and interaction of visual information within urban environments. The study aims to analyse and propose strategies for enhancing the functionality, accessibility, and aesthetic quality of visual communications in urban environments. The author combined academic literature, case studies, and urban design guidelines, which provided a foundation for the theoretical framework and practical recommendations. The author concludes that visual communications in park environments are essential for the larger urban space, contributing to its functionality and aesthetic appeal. They guide movement, convey information, and create a cohesive identity for the area. Improving visual communications in urban parks enhances the overall structural harmony of the city and strengthens its cultural and social fabric.

Last modified: 2025-01-31 07:04:06