Prefeasibility project for a mozzarella and cheddar cheese production plant implementation in the city of Cochabamba
Journal: Journal Boliviano de Ciencias (Vol.17, No. 50)Publication Date: 2021-06-01
Authors : Eliana Lesly Micordia Romero Jorge Eduardo Buitrago Navarro;
Page : 170-201
Keywords : Engineering; Architecture;
A prefeasibility study was carried out aimed toanalyzedifferent variables whichintervene in amozzarella and cheddar cheese production plant implementation based on bovine milk, in the city of Cochabamba, with the aim of identifying the viability of the proposal.Despite the limited information on the subject in Cochabamba, Bolivia, a mixed-focus research was carried out; initially of an exploratory type, in order to collect basic data that provide a situational perspective.
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