Editorial Note
Journal: Journal Boliviano de Ciencias (Vol.16, No. 48)Publication Date: 2020-06-30
Authors : Joaquin Humberto Aquino Rocha;
Page : 4-4
Keywords : Engineering; Architecture;
With great pleasure, we present Issue No. 48 of the Journal Boliviano de Ciencias, which includes six articles and some new features. To improve the editorial process of the journal, we will transition from a quarterly edition to a semiannual edition starting in 2020, with this being the first semiannual issue of the journal. Additionally, a new section has been introduced: Projects in Applied Engineering, which focuses on the design, development, implementation, analysis, and other aspects of specific cases, providing solutions to particular problems from any branch of engineering. All of this is framed within the journal's goal of disseminating scientific knowledge through investigative processes, contributing to the technological development of the country. In the first article, developed by the Department of Civil Engineering - Cochabamba, Guzmán and collaborators present a study on the perception of users and drivers regarding the collective transport service in the municipality of Colcapirhua – Cochabamba. The second article, developed by the Department of Industries – Cochabamba, in collaboration with the Department of Basic Materials, Ferrel and Mollo present an evaluation of the quality conditions of frying oil disposal in the municipality of Tiquipaya. In the third paper, also from the Department of Industries – Cochabamba, Ortega presents a prefeasibility study for the implementation of a wastewater treatment plant for tannery waste for the company INDUQUIM ODAR. The fourth paper, from the Department of Petroleum, Gas, and Energy – Cochabamba, Espinoza and collaborators perform a characterization and analysis for the application of biol obtained from organic waste in the experimental biogas production unit at the petroleum, gas, and energy laboratories of the Universidad Privada del Valle.
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Last modified: 2025-02-25 03:34:45