Heat chamber design for inductive sensors monitoring system and control operation tests
Journal: Journal Boliviano de Ciencias (Vol.12, No. 38)Publication Date: 2016-12-30
Authors : Maureen Daniela Arámbulo Hervas;
Page : 15-20
Keywords : Engineering; Architecture;
The following paper presents the design of a thermal chamber for operation tests and the process of a monitoring and control system for inductive sensors using automatic equipment.
A solution was sought to meet the need for operators' repetitive movements for long periods of time, and to perform them simulating their operation under the in fluence of critica! temperatures. These tests were based on the IEC60947-5-2 standard, which indicates test procedures for inductive proximity sensors, switching and control. The objective of this work was to presenta solution for automatic distance measurement designing a thermal chamber for operation tests and a monitoring and con trol system for inductive sensors according to the IEC60947-5-2 standard.
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Last modified: 2025-02-26 06:04:16