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Reservoir mapping and survey of aggregates for concrete mixer - phase II

Journal: Journal Boliviano de Ciencias (Vol.12, No. 37)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 40-49

Keywords : Engineering; Architecture;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


This article is the result of the research and studies of the aggregates in various sites of exploitation of the high, low and center valleys of the Department of Cochabamba. As a reference, in the Phase I of the project we investigated the properties of the aggre­ gates in 1 O deposits, during the years 2004 to 2008 the survey was made in the following deposits: Parotani, Pankuruma, Viloma, Khora, Pahirumani, Step, Tolavi, Cliza, Sacaba and Punata. In Phase II the study continues only in the best de­ posits classified as the main, during the 2009 man­ agement until the year 2013, the excavations catalogd are: Parotani, Pankuruma, Khora, Step and Paracaya­ Punata.

Last modified: 2025-02-26 06:38:44