Ku Band satellite antenna position control and monitoring system
Journal: Journal Boliviano de Ciencias (Vol.12, No. 36)Publication Date: 2016-04-30
Authors : Eynar Calle Viles;
Page : 9-13
Keywords : Engineering; Architecture;
One of the basic human needs is to communicate with others and with their environment, electronics and te lecommunications are tools that encourage and deve lop this communication. As technology is advancing to meet our needs, they are being designed and implemented many circuits, and one of them is the monitoring system of satellite signal, using a Ku-band satellite antenna. According to the analyzes made, a large part of the Bolivian population has a satellite television system, but the installation of such systems requires a specia list. This prototype is easy to handle, besides trying to reduce installation costs and time it takes to install them. lt is desired that now people living in remate areas, such as rural areas, have access to the benefits offered by the Bolivian telecommunications satellite Tupac Katari.
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Last modified: 2025-02-26 06:48:11