Changes in hormonal and immune background in children with congenital heart disease
Journal: Science and Education (Vol.6, No. 2)Publication Date: 2025-02-25
Authors : Sakina Bakhodirovna Tairova; Shaxzod Baxriddinovich Asliddinov; Javoxir Ilxomjon o‘g‘li Shermaxmatov; Mohinur Shuhrat qizi A'zamova;
Page : 49-53
Keywords : congenital heart defect; immune system; hormonal background; growth hormone; pathogenesis;
Congenital heart defects (CHD) are one of the most common anomalies in children. The frequency of CHD is up to 30% of all developmental defects. According to official statistics, more than 20 thousand cases of congenital heart defects of varying degrees of complexity are registered in children in the CIS countries every year, 75% of which require surgical correction of the defect. Children with CHD are susceptible to various diseases due to their hormonal and immune imbalance. As a rule, in the postoperative period, the main task of the cardiologist and pediatrician is aimed at adapting the child's cardiovascular system. However, the hormonal and immune systems of this category of patients are not assessed dynamically. In this regard, the issue of studying the hormonal and immune systems in children with congenital heart defects at an early age remains relevant and requires scientific research in this area.
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Last modified: 2025-02-27 00:24:37