Ways to correct comorbid states during surgical interventions in children with congenital heart disease
Journal: Science and Education (Vol.6, No. 2)Publication Date: 2025-02-25
Authors : Sakina Bakhodirovna Tairova; Muxlisabonu Farxod qizi Maxammadiyeva; Jasmina Jaxonovna Jamoliddinova; Parizoda Ilhomovna Marupova;
Page : 114-119
Keywords : congenital heart defect; correction; comorbid conditions; surgery; nootropic drugs;
In surgical practice, the presence of comorbid pathology has a significant impact on the course of the postoperative period, the development of complications, and also affects the prognosis. Current standards and approaches in surgery should include an analysis of comorbid diseases when choosing methods of anesthesia, intensive care and tactics of surgical intervention. In surgical interventions in children for congenital heart disease, it is necessary to carry out intensive therapy, including the correction of disorders of all vital organs. In our study, we focused on the correction of some disorders, in particular physical development, hormonal and immune status disorders, neurocognitive disorders. We studied several domestic and foreign literary data on the correction of these disorders.
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Last modified: 2025-02-27 00:24:37