Modern data on factors determining the formation of congenital heart defects in children
Journal: Science and Education (Vol.6, No. 2)Publication Date: 2025-02-25
Authors : Sakina Bakhodirovna Tairova; Rayxon Kaxor kizi Karimova; Pokizaxon Gʼulomjon qizi Abdusalomova; Malika Gʻulom qizi Omonova;
Page : 82-87
Keywords : congenital heart defect; malformations; etiology; anomaly; defect;
In modern conditions, the health of newborns and their further development are influenced by biological, social and environmental risk factors of the perinatal period: poor health of parents, especially the mother; poor nutrition; an increase in the number of families at high medical and social risk; deterioration of the quality of the environment. In the first year of life, biological factors have the greatest impact, so in total they amounted to 82.4% in the first year of life, 62.8%> - in the second year, and 13.1%> - in the third year of life. Among them, the most significant are the health of the parents, the course of pregnancy and childbirth, the degree of full-term pregnancy, the duration of breastfeeding, etc. In this regard, the issue of studying clinical and diagnostic criteria for improving the provision of timely medical care to children with congenital heart disease at an early age remains relevant and requires scientific research in this area.
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Last modified: 2025-02-27 00:24:37