Cassava fermented startch flour producer plant design as a new alternative in the food industry
Journal: Journal Boliviano de Ciencias (Vol.11, No. 35)Publication Date: 2015-12-30
Authors : María Yesenia Olivio Ayala;
Page : 25-40
Keywords : Engineering; Architecture;
Nowadays, global warming is a variable that affects in big magnitude the worldwide agricultural production, in the last times; Bolivia has had campaigns that benefit this section, with technical assistance and legal security, which do not provide the expected results. A troubling case is wheat, although it is a highly demanded product in the Bolivian market, it does not have enough production to cover that market, resulting in imports at high prices. Taking into account this problem, a new alternative in the food industry is proposed, which can reduce these imports and consume Bolivian products, such as cassava, that by its composition, is considered a nutritious food for people, besides being a crop that adapts to different ecosystems and grows in a wide range of tropical conditions, that may occur under unfavorable conditions and marginal climates, therefore, the submitted project will use these benefits to offer cassava flour from fermented starch, it will be accessible and of have good quality by applying an appropriate design of the producer plant, a structured process flow and an economic-financial study.
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Last modified: 2025-02-28 00:01:03