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System for improving - SODIS reliability solar water desinfection method

Journal: Journal Boliviano de Ciencias (Vol.11, No. 34)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 47-49

Keywords : Engineering; Architecture;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Solar Water Disinfection (SWDIS) is a method for treating water for human consumption domestically. The method uses solar energy to destroy pathogenic microorganisms that cause waterborne and diseases thus improves the quality of water used for human consump­tion. The present paper is about a system development for measuring water temperature inside a sunlight expo­sed container with SODIS method. The system operates with solar energy and according to water temperature and time elapsed, determines if water desinfection conditions have been achieved, and stores the final state.

Last modified: 2025-02-28 00:46:23