Communication between users in a IPV4 IPV6 network
Journal: Journal Boliviano de Ciencias (Vol.10, No. 30)Publication Date: 2014-04-30
Authors : Marlon David González Ramírez Guadalupe Cristina Baldaras Cortez;
Page : 48-53
Keywords : Engineering; Architecture;
This article shows a configuration for communication between users who use the Internet Protocol (IP) ver sions 4 and 6; using the method of tunnel Manual 6to4 simulated in GNS3. Since 1Pv6 is an unpopular but ne cessary protocol, it is important to make their attributes, as nowadays the quantity of users which use an 1Pv4 identifier to connect to the Internet has been ex ceeded. The segment address that is managed by IANA is ex hausted and has the need for these translation techni ques until a native communication between 1Pv6 is obtained.
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Last modified: 2025-02-28 06:54:12