Automated testing
Journal: Journal Boliviano de Ciencias (Vol.10, No. 30)Publication Date: 2014-04-30
Authors : Grettzel Noelia Gómez Ugarte;
Page : 54-57
Keywords : Engineering; Architecture;
Software has had a remarkable progress in recent years. Today most of the machines, installations and industries are fully or partially controlled by software; automobiles far example, from the engine, transmis sion, brakes and other functions are controlled by microprocessors. In most companies, the quickness to introduce a new product or a new type of service depends on the dynamism with which the computer system can be adapted or extended. In both sectors, embedded systems software and commercial - quality software is critica! in determining the success of the products and / or companies.
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Last modified: 2025-02-28 06:55:24