Using Emotion Recognition Module Evolved by Genetic Programming for Emotion Analysis
Proceeding: The International Conference on Electronics and Software Science (ICESS2015)Publication Date: 2015-07-20
Authors : Rahadian Yusuf; Ivan Tanev; Katsunori Shimohara;
Page : 49-59
Keywords : Emotion; recognition; evolutionary algorithm; genetic programming; affective computing; intelligent agent.;
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Our ongoing research is about developing an intelligent agent capable of recognizing userâ?™s emotion and self-evolution. One objective of the whole research itself is developing the emotion recognition module. There are several methods that have been explored in order to improve the results while maintaining feasibility of real-time implementations for later stages. During the development, we encountered questions regarding the better time of the day to capture emotion, and which emotion is easier to recognize. Using the data that we had, we decided to perform an experiment by evolving several recognition modules using Genetic Programming, and analyzed the results in order to be a step closer into understanding the better time to gather data for emotion, and the detailed accuracy of emotion recognition of our evolved modules.
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Last modified: 2015-07-26 22:34:20