The International Conference on Electronics and Software Science (ICESS2015)
Publisher: The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communication
Editors: Dr. Yoshiro Imai
ISBN: 978-1-941968-17-8
Date: 2015-07-20 - 2015-07-22
Conference Venue:
Takamatsu, Japan
- Color combination design on web interfaces
Authors: Makiba Sakamoto;Hidetsugu Suto
- Relationship between arrangements of houses with air-conditioners and usage of electric power
Authors: Terumi YOSHIKI;Hidetugu SUTO
- A representation model of collaborative design mechanism using Channel Theory
Authors: Patchanee Patitad;Hidetsugu Suto
- Performance Evaluation of Linkage Pattern Mining Method
Authors: Saerom Lee;Yusuke Okubo;Yoshifumi Okada
- The Proposal for Compensation to the Action of Motion Control based on the Prediction of State-action Pair
Authors: Masashi Sugimoto;Kentarou Kurashige
- Using Emotion Recognition Module Evolved by Genetic Programming for Emotion Analysis
Authors: Rahadian Yusuf;Ivan Tanev;Katsunori Shimohara
- Self-Identification of Mentality and Self-Control through Indirect Biofeedback
Authors: Madoka TAKAHARA;Ivan TANEV;Katsunori SHIMOHARA
- Change of the Object Color Appearance by the Illumination Spectral Distribution
Authors: Michitomo Ishii;Toshihiro BandoKatsunori Shimohara
- Can Graphical Interaction Affect Mutual Understanding?
Authors: Mitsuhiko Kimoto;Takamasa Iio;Masahiro Shiomi
- Evaluation of Genetic Programs in Multiple Cases Evolved for Gait Classification and Recognition
Authors: Dipak Gaire Sharma;Ivan Tanev;Katsunori Shimohara
- 3D Face Modeling Support System for Avatar by Using Interactive Genetic Algorithm
Authors: FangWei Huang;Ivan Tanev;Kastunori Shimohara
- A specialized approach based on integration of customers and deliberate restoration mechanisms for very large scale vehicle routing problem
Authors: Shinya Watanabe;Tetsuya Sato;Kazutoshi Sakakibara
- An All-Digital and Wide-Range Reference Clock Generator for Biotelemetry Applications
Authors: Duo Sheng;Ching-Che Chung;Chia-Lin Wu;Sheng-Min Chan;Min-Rong Hong
- Analyze Power Supply Rejection Ratio of LDO Regulator based on Accurate Small Signal Model
Authors: Po-Yu Kuo;Chi-Huang Chiu;Gang-Zhi Fan
- Design of Real Time Barrage Comment Video System for Mobile Terminal
Authors: Zhao Jiantao;Li Shuang
- Performance Evaluation of an Energy Efficient Virtual Network Mapping Method - In the case of load-dependent power consumption model -
Authors: Hiromichi Sugiyama;Yukinobu Fukushima;Tokumi Yokohira
- Fanpages Recommendation By Using Lead Users in Facebook
Authors: Ekasit Phermphoonphiphat;Sukree Sintupinyo
- Secure File Backup and Synchronization on Cloud Computing
Authors: Ike B. Adie;Abbas Mehdizadeh;Wan Nor Al-Ashekin;Harlina Harun
- Synchronization and Compensation in TDM Based Single RF MIMO-OFDM System
Authors: Changyoung An;Heung-Gyoon Ryu
- Development of Push-rim Activated Power Assisted Wheelchair
Authors: Yoon Heo;Ki Tae Nam;Eung Pyo Hong;Mu Sung Moon
- A Study of a Handrim Sensor for a Power-Assisted Wheelchair
Authors: K. T. Nam;Y. C. Kim;Y. Heo;M. S. Mun;E. P. Hong
- Adaptive and Aggressive Low Power Load Balancing for Multicore Systems
Authors: GukHyun Lee;Youngho Ahn;Ki-Seok Chung
- Real Time Measurement of Ellipsometric Angles by Common Path Heterodyne Interferometry
Authors: Hui-Kang Teng;Kuo-Chen Lang
- Using Patch Analysis Methods to Detect Images Tampered with Seam Insertion
Authors: Pei-Yu Jiang;Hui-Jun Cheng;Jyh-Da Wei
- Integrated Power Management for CPU and GPU Based on Prediction of the Influence of Mutual Dependency between Processing Units
Authors: Keun-Ho Hwang;Youngho Ahn;Ki-Seok Chung
- Comparison of Thermal Stimulations to Reduce Drowsiness based on Correlation Analysis
Authors: Kiwamu Goto;Hirotoshi Asano;Yasutaka Kajiwara;Shizuka Bando;Akio Nozawa
- Evaluation method of physiological state by independent component analysis applied to facial thermal image
Authors: Rikito Okamoto;Shizuka Bando;Akio Nozawa
- Improvement in Eye Glance Input Interface Using OpenCV
Authors: Kota Akehi;Shogo Matuno;Naoaki Itakura;Tota Mizuno;Kazuyuki Mito
- Facial Skin Temperature Fluctuation by Mental Work-Load with Thermography
Authors: Tota Mizuno;Takeru Sakai;Shunsuke Kawazura;Hirotoshi Asano;Kota Akehi;Shogo Matsuno;Kazuyuki Mito;Yuichiro Kume;Naokaki Itakura
- Feature Analysis of Eyeblink Waveform for Automatically Classifying Conscious Blinks
Authors: Shogo Matsuno;Naoaki Itakura;Minoru Ohyama;Shoichi Ohi;Kiyohiko Abe
- Control of Body Sway Using Tactile Stimuli on the Body Trunk
Authors: Ryo Hasegawa;Amir Maleki;Masafumi Uchida
- Effect of Repetitive Patterns with Brightness Gradient on Vehicle Speed Perception
Authors: Yoshiyuki Shimao;Atsushi Osa
- Efficient Data Transfer Method for Image Filtering Implementation on FPGA Using OpenCL
Authors: Ji-Chan Kim;Jung-Hyun Hong;Ki-Seok Chung
- Development of Earthquake Initial Response Training for School Teacher by Using Disaster Situation Reproducing Units
Authors: Kyosuke Takahashi;Wataru Shiraki;Hirohiko Iwahara;Hitoshi Inomo;Chikako Isouchi
- Development of the Basic Life Support Training Support System
Authors: Hiroaki Okada;Wataru Shiraki;Hirohiko Iwahara;Hitoshi Inomo;Kyosuke Takahashi;Chikakko Isouchi
- Quality of Education Founding on Students' GPA, PBL and Entrance Examination
Authors: Eri DOMOTO;Oliveira Nzinga Rene;Koji OKUHARA